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Tour Monkeys

4 Nights - 5 Days

Tour in brief:
You‘ll visit a foundation of monkeys, get to know the culture of the Ticuna and enjoy the nature of the Reserva Natural Tucuchira with walking tours, watching pink river dolphins and a lot more – Accommodation in bed with mosquito net

Day 1 – Arrival and entrance in the Reserva Natural Tucuchira

  • Reception at the airport or the place of arrival 
  • Lunch depending on the arrival hour in Leticia or the Reserva Natural Tucuchira
  • Transfer fluvial in public boat to the Reserva Natural Tucuchira
  • Arrival and installation at the Reserva Natural Tucuchira
  • Information about the plan 
  • Rest in hammock or relaxing net
  • Exploring the area around the Reserva
  • Dinner
  • Nocturnal walking tour or optional nocturnal canoe tour (rains season)
Day 2 – Amazonian nature
  • 08:00 a.m. Breakfast
  • Feeding a monkey species coming to the reserva
  • Walking tour in the rainforest, approx. 3 hours or optional canoe tour in the floodable rainforest with possibilities to see sloths in their natural habitat (only rain season)
  • Lunch at the Reserva Natural Tucuchira
  • Workshop with plants of medicinal and artisanal use: searching for and processing the different plants
  • Dinner
  • Watching the stars from relaxing net (depending on the weather)

Day 3 – Traditional fishing and dolphin watching

  • 09:00 a.m. Breakfast in Tucuchira
  • Traditional fishing
  • Lunch
  • Rest in hammock or relaxing net
  • 02:30 p.m. Departure to the Amazon river to watch the pink river dolphins
  • Watching the river dolphins
  • Optional canoeing in front of the Amazon beaches (only dry season)
  • Sunset at the Amazon river (depending on the weather)
  • Return to the Reserva Natural Tucuchira
  • Dinner

Day 4 – Trip to the foundation of monkeys

  • 06:00 a.m. Breakfast
  • 06:45 a.m. Departure from the Reserva to take the boat to Mocagua
  • 09:00 a.m. Visit of the monkey foundation
  • Lunch at the native community
  • Visiting the native community and a museum of indigenous culture
  • 03:00 p.m. Return to the Reserva Natural Tucuchira
  • Dinner
  • Story night of the native guides

Day 5 – Departure from the Reserva Natural Tucuchira

  • 06:00 a.m. Breakfast
  • 06:30 a.m. Departure from the Reserva Natural Tucuchira
  • 08:00 a.m. Transfer fluvial in public boat to Leticia


The tour includes:

  • Accommodation in bed with mosquito net in Tucuchira (4 nights) with breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Activities described in the tour
  • Drinking water
  • Personal guide (speaks Spanish)
  • Loan of rubber boots (let us know your size)
  • Loan of rain capes
  • Pick up at the airport or hotel
  • All fluvial transports in public boat (from and to Leticia, last boat leaves at 1:30 p.m., until 3:00 p.m. transport in private boat possible with different cost)
  • Medical assistance insurance

The tour does NOT include:

  • Translator (it’s possible to organise tours with translator in English)
  • Tourism tax ($ 35.000 COP at the airport of Leticia)
  • Personal shopping
  • Airline tickets
  • Activities and nutrition not described in the plan


  • This plan is subject to changes without prior notice during its execution due to weather factors.
  • This plan is flexible and changes can be made in agreement between visitors and guides.
  • All activities are voluntary and done at your own risk.
  • To carry out the activities, the physiology of the visitor’s effort will be taken into account.

Price per person (COP):

Group of 

1 person

2 persons

3 – 4 persons

5 – 6 persons

7 persons

8 persons or more

Price per person [COP]:








50% before arriving to confirm the plan on a bank account or via PayPal


50 % cash payment arriving at the Reserva Natural Tucuchira (we can only receive cash payment at the Reserva Natural Tucuchira)